Tired of all the bad news

While we can't deny the difficulites for so many people at home and overseas, it's important to take account of the positives, and to spread the Good News. I don't know who said this but; "No-one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side." Blessings..

Monday, 13 February 2012

Tired of all the bad news.

Founded in 1969, The Capuchin Day Centre on Bow St, Dublin 7, it is well known that more than 600 hot meals are served there daily to anyone who calls. On Wednesdays, they give out over 1000 food parcels. During the week 'Safety Net' provide a doctor and a nurse on duty to all who need front line medical intervention. There are also hot showers and warm clothes available to anyone who needs it.

Br. Kevin and his team open early for hot breakfasts and close at 3.00 p.m.  They are so grateful to all who want to get involved and who wish to volunteer.  The great news though is despite the fact that they never do any formal fundraising, so many people get involved by making donations, etc. This was evident over Christmas 2011 especially and following the Today with Pat Kenny programme on RTE Radio 1.  Good News.


  1. There are lovely people out there who work with a quiet sincerity and they look for nothing, only to help to give a warm, supportive hand to anyone who needs it without boundaries. It makes you stop and take stock of what we have and realise how lucky we are. This story gives you a "happy" in your tummy! More please <3

  2. “Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness."
    I came across that quote today and, if true, you all have found a true source of happiness which you deserve. Happy St Valentine's day to you all!
