Tired of all the bad news

While we can't deny the difficulites for so many people at home and overseas, it's important to take account of the positives, and to spread the Good News. I don't know who said this but; "No-one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side." Blessings..

Sunday 21 February 2021

The time has come

Jesus understands suffering.

Jesus gets how people suffer. He gets it

We can confidently place our fears at his feet.

Jesus knows the heartache we feel being separated from loved ones because of the virus. He understands.

He feels the pain of all who miss someone.

Jesus is conscious of the exhaustion of our healthcare workers, nursing, and medical staff.

Jesus holds all of us who are afraid and comforts all who are worn-out with it all.

Jesus will stay with us for the duration of any further lockdown. He is with us every step of the way.

We know this because Jesus was led into the desert -to a place of danger, extremes, and foreboding.

Jesus understands what we are going through.

All through his public ministry the most wretched found a listening ear, a non-judgmental heart, and healing and forgiveness of sins. And those who were written off by the established church leadership of the time were called by name; “Come follow me.”

He himself stood at the frontier of suffering and crossed the border right into pain, shame, and rejection.

When we walk, as we are, through this Covid ‘valley of death’ we have Jesus walk with us, and like the poem ‘Footprints’ carrying us.

Jesus is telling us, despite social distancing, we still have each other.

And there is hope.

We are moving through it.

Daylight is coming.

The time has come.

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