Sunday 27 July 2014

The Alligator King...

The first reading for today's Mass from the book of Kings tells us of the Lord appearing to Solomon in a dream saying; "Ask what you would like me to give you."
Solomon wasn't interested in power, money or riches but he asked for a discerning heart.
Many kids of my generation (1970's) learned our ABC's and counting not just in school, but from Sesame Street.  For me today, It was a fun programme which had at its core the task of passing on values, learning, and cooperation in a fun way.
The Alligator King from Sesame Street reminds me of aspects of the First Reading in that six of the seven sons are all intent on pleasing the father - but in order to win the crown. The seventh son merely wants to help his father up when he is down...
One two three four five six seven!
Said the Alligator King to his seven sons,
"I'm feelin' mighty down.
Whichever of you can cheer me up
Will get to wear my crown."
His first son brought seven oyster pearls
From the bottom of the China Sea.
The second gave him seven statues of girls
With clocks where their stomachs should be.
The third son gave him seven rubies
From the sheikdom Down There Beneath.
The King thought the rubies were cherries,
And he broke off seven of his teeth.
The fourth son tried to cheer him up
With seven lemon drops.
The King said, "I'm sorry son,
Since that ruby episode, I just haven't got the chops."
The fifth son brought the King perfume
In seven fancy silver jars;
The King took a whiff, and he broke out in spots
'Cause it smelled like cheap cigars.
The sixth son gave him seven diamond rings
To wear upon his toes.
The King snagged his foot on the royal red rug
And crumpled up his nose.
The seventh son of the Alligator King
Was a thoughtful little whelp.
He said, "Daddy, appears to me
That you could use a little help."
Said the Alligator King to his seventh son,
"My son, you win the crown.
You didn't bring me diamonds or rubies, but
You helped me up when I was down.
Take the crown; it's yours, my son.
I hope you don't mind the dents.
I got it on sale at a discount store-
Cost me all of seven cents!"

Read more: Sesame Street - The Alligator King Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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