Sunday 24 August 2014


The Ice bucket Challenge that has been crossing the world via social media is a great idea. It is done to raise awareness and funds for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) as it's known in the United States) and Motor Neuron Disease (MND) over this side of the Atlantic. In the last two or three weeks I've seen well known people from the world of sport, film, music, media, politics, etc. all rowing in for this great cause. And the rest of the world have joined in too nominating friends, work-colleagues, team mates and family via Facebook and Twitter among others.

One of our famous Capuchin Friars, Fr. Aengus Fegan was diagnosed with MND in 1995 and he lived with it until his death in 2002. He never let it get him down and he was someone who despite the great difficulties that it brought him, he kept on smiling and singing. Aengus was an art teacher in our school in Cork; St. Francis College, Rochestown and I remember him saying "The hand that once taught Leaving Cert art can now no longer hold a pen."

As the disease progressed and limited his mobility his motto became; "Sing while there's a voice left, and walk while the legs last." He was a lover of St. Francis of Assisi and he liked to pray the Canticle of Brother Sun a lot as he was a man who loved the great outdoors and to be among nature. He was a hiker, a sailor and a mountaineer. He penned a verse in tribute to MND and along with Brother Sun, and Sister Moon, Brother Fire and Sister Water, Aengus sang in praise of Sister Gravity.

Fr. Aengus Fegan ofm.cap.

The Ice Bucket Challenge is generating great enthusiasm, good will, and awareness of ALS / MND and in a world where we're hearing so much bad news, it is a candle lighting up the darkness....

That's me doing my #IceBucketChallenge last evening courtesy of my brother Kevin and niece, Louise.


  1. Hello Bryan , nice post about FR Aengus. I am researching the history of Donnycarney scouts in Dublin.Fr Aengus was a friend of the leader in the early 60s and accompanied them on a trip to Lourdes in 62 He wrote a great account of it for the scouts magazine .If you send me an email address I could send you the regards, Brian.

  2. Thanks for the message, Brian. I'm at or
